Mysql Server 5.5.15 - This time I would like to discuss the practice of Dr. POETOE on how to install Mysql Server 5.5.15 in Windows 7. Need to remember that there is a difference when youinstall Mysql Server on Windows XP and Windows 7. Several times I tried to install thison Mysql ToshTosh laptop (my pet name laptop's) butexperience a failure while inexecute but I never gave up because if I fail then I will rise100 x 100 x and that the principles I hold. That's precisely his art in IT. Here I will explain step by step to installMysql Server 5.5.15 in Windows 7.Check This Out Guys!

I want to ask ya Dr. Poetoe, how do I install Mysql Server 5.5.15 in Windows 7 because I often experience failures in installition?

2. After the download is complete open the program then it would appear like theimage below.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

3. After that check list on the "I accept the terms in the License Agreement and thenclick Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

4. Then will come the pictures. Select the Typical.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

5. Click install, and then wait until the install process is complete.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

6. After the Install process is complete. Click Finish and then this image will appear.Click Next

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

7. Click Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

8. And then click Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

9. Then choose Detailed Configuration. And then click Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

10. Then choose Developer Machine. And then click Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

11. Then choose Multifunctional Database. Click Next

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

12. Select the drives for storing the Mysql program. Then Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

13. Then select Manual Setting, enter the number Concurrent connections, select mynumbers IE 5. Then Next

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

14. Then select click the check list on the Enable TCP/IP and Enable Strcit Mode like the image below and the default server Port that is 3306. If you change this server port numbers then you need a specific port for the application  application toconnect with the server. Then Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

15. Then select the Best Support For Multingualism to make UTF8 as default character.Then click Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

16. then give the check list on both like this picture, and then select the Service Nameyou want.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

17. then give the checklist on the Modify security Settings If you want to give the rootpassword. Like the image below. If you don't want to use a password, do not givechechlist on the Modify security settings. Then click Next.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

18. then click Execute and wait until the installation is complete as shown below.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7

19. After that you can directly try Mysql Server as below.

Mysql Server 5.5.15 di Windows 7